Wednesday, November 6, 2019

sugar skull list

  1. a cross because I go to church 
  2. hearts for love
  3. peace sign trying to keep the peace 
  4. star because it shines bright
  5. music symbols I love music
  6. fire because my hair is red
  7. ice I like the cold 
  8. diamonds a diamond in the rough
  9. moon I am a night person
  10. Libra sign I am a Libra
I am going to use the colors blue and orange because they are complementary colors and it represents cool and warm.                     

             The best thing about my work is the color contrast and the gradient because they are all different gradients with the same color. The worst thins about my work is the placement because I could have added more and placed it better. It could have been improved if I had done the project on time so I would have more time. I used the gradient tool, the move tool, the pen tool, and the smooth tool. I was able to meet the goal of the project by meeting all the requirements. The easiest part was knowing what color I wanted to use and the symbols I wanted to use because I had already thought of them . The hardest part was tracing some of the shape because sometimes I couldn't get them as straight as I wanted them. What i would do differently is try to use other colors. I would rate my skull an 8 because it doesn't look bad but it could be better.

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